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[유니티] OSC sender, receiver 본문
OSC mgr
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Monitoring_OSCManager : MonoBehaviour
private static Monitoring_OSCManager _instance;
public static Monitoring_OSCManager Instance { get { return _instance; } }
public OSC OSC_Kiosk;
public static int transitionSign;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = this;
public void BeginListener()
OSC_Kiosk.SetAddressHandler("/x", OnReceive_x);
void OnReceive_x(OscMessage message)
var value = message.GetInt(0);
Debug.Log("OSC Receive : " + value);
transitionSign = value;
public void Send(string address, int value)
OscMessage message = new OscMessage();
message.address = address; // ex :"/x"
Debug.Log("OSC Send : " + message);
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// UdpPacket provides packetIO over UDP
/// </summary>
public class UDPPacketIO
private UdpClient Sender;
private UdpClient Receiver;
private bool socketsOpen;
private string remoteHostName;
private int remotePort;
private int localPort;
public UDPPacketIO(string hostIP, int remotePort, int localPort)
RemoteHostName = hostIP;
RemotePort = remotePort;
LocalPort = localPort;
socketsOpen = false;
// latest time for this socket to be closed
if (IsOpen())
Debug.Log("closing udpclient listener on port " + localPort);
/// <summary>
/// Open a UDP socket and create a UDP sender.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True on success, false on failure.</returns>
public bool Open()
Sender = new UdpClient();
Debug.Log("Opening OSC listener on port " + localPort);
IPEndPoint listenerIp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, localPort);
Receiver = new UdpClient(listenerIp);
socketsOpen = true;
return true;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogWarning("cannot open udp client interface at port " + localPort);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Close the socket currently listening, and destroy the UDP sender device.
/// </summary>
public void Close()
if (Sender != null)
if (Receiver != null)
// Debug.Log("UDP receiver closed");
Receiver = null;
socketsOpen = false;
public void OnDisable()
/// <summary>
/// Query the open state of the UDP socket.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if open, false if closed.</returns>
public bool IsOpen()
return socketsOpen;
/// <summary>
/// Send a packet of bytes out via UDP.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packet">The packet of bytes to be sent.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the packet of bytes to be sent.</param>
public void SendPacket(byte[] packet, int length)
if (!IsOpen())
if (!IsOpen())
Sender.Send(packet, length, remoteHostName, remotePort);
//Debug.Log("osc message sent to "+remoteHostName+" port "+remotePort+" len="+length);
/// <summary>
/// Receive a packet of bytes over UDP.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">The buffer to be read into.</param>
/// <returns>The number of bytes read, or 0 on failure.</returns>
public int ReceivePacket(byte[] buffer)
if (!IsOpen())
if (!IsOpen())
return 0;
IPEndPoint iep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, localPort);
byte[] incoming = Receiver.Receive(ref iep);
int count = Math.Min(buffer.Length, incoming.Length);
System.Array.Copy(incoming, buffer, count);
return count;
/// <summary>
/// The address of the board that you're sending to.
/// </summary>
public string RemoteHostName
return remoteHostName;
remoteHostName = value;
/// <summary>
/// The remote port that you're sending to.
/// </summary>
public int RemotePort
return remotePort;
remotePort = value;
/// <summary>
/// The local port you're listening on.
/// </summary>
public int LocalPort
return localPort;
localPort = value;
//namespace MakingThings
/// <summary>
/// The OscMessage class is a data structure that represents
/// an OSC address and an arbitrary number of values to be sent to that address.
/// </summary>
public class OscMessage
/// <summary>
/// The OSC address of the message as a string.
/// </summary>
public string address;
/// <summary>
/// The list of values to be delivered to the Address.
/// </summary>
public ArrayList values;
public OscMessage()
values = new ArrayList();
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
foreach (object o in values)
s.Append(" ");
return s.ToString();
public int GetInt(int index)
if (values[index].GetType() == typeof(int))
int data = (int)values[index];
if (Double.IsNaN(data)) return 0;
return data;
else if (values[index].GetType() == typeof(float))
int data = (int)((float)values[index]);
if (Double.IsNaN(data)) return 0;
return data;
Debug.Log("Wrong type");
return 0;
public float GetFloat(int index)
if (values[index].GetType() == typeof(int))
float data = (int)values[index];
if (Double.IsNaN(data)) return 0f;
return data;
else if (values[index].GetType() == typeof(float))
float data = (float)values[index];
if (Double.IsNaN(data)) return 0f;
return data;
Debug.Log("Wrong type");
return 0f;
public delegate void OscMessageHandler(OscMessage oscM);
/// <summary>
/// The Osc class provides the methods required to send, receive, and manipulate OSC messages.
/// Several of the helper methods are static since a running Osc instance is not required for
/// their use.
/// When instanciated, the Osc class opens the PacketIO instance that's handed to it and
/// begins to run a reader thread. The instance is then ready to service Send OscMessage requests
/// and to start supplying OscMessages as received back.
/// The Osc class can be called to Send either individual messages or collections of messages
/// in an Osc Bundle. Receiving is done by delegate. There are two ways: either submit a method
/// to receive all incoming messages or submit a method to handle only one particular address.
/// Messages can be encoded and decoded from Strings via the static methods on this class, or
/// can be hand assembled / disassembled since they're just a string (the address) and a list
/// of other parameters in Object form.
/// </summary>
public class OSC : MonoBehaviour
public int inPort = 6969;
public string outIP = "";
public int outPort = 6161;
private UDPPacketIO OscPacketIO;
Thread ReadThread;
private bool ReaderRunning;
private OscMessageHandler AllMessageHandler;
Hashtable AddressTable;
ArrayList messagesReceived;
private object ReadThreadLock = new object();
byte[] buffer;
bool paused = false;
private void HandleOnPlayModeChanged(UnityEditor.PlayModeStateChange state) //FIX FOR UNITY POST 2017
// This method is run whenever the playmode state is changed.
paused = UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPaused;
//print ("editor paused "+paused);
// do stuff when the editor is paused.
void Awake()
//print("Opening OSC listener on port " + inPort);
OscPacketIO = new UDPPacketIO(outIP, outPort, inPort);
AddressTable = new Hashtable();
messagesReceived = new ArrayList();
buffer = new byte[1000];
ReadThread = new Thread(Read);
ReaderRunning = true;
ReadThread.IsBackground = true;
//UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged = HandleOnPlayModeChanged;
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += HandleOnPlayModeChanged; //FIX FOR UNITY POST 2017
void OnDestroy()
/// <summary>
/// Set the method to call back on when a message with the specified
/// address is received. The method needs to have the OscMessageHandler signature - i.e.
/// void amh( OscMessage oscM )
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">Address string to be matched</param>
/// <param name="ah">The method to call back on.</param>
public void SetAddressHandler(string key, OscMessageHandler ah)
ArrayList al = (ArrayList)Hashtable.Synchronized(AddressTable)[key];
if (al == null)
al = new ArrayList();
Hashtable.Synchronized(AddressTable).Add(key, al);
OscMessageHandler h = (OscMessageHandler)Hashtable.Synchronized(AddressTable)[key];
if (h == null) Hashtable.Synchronized(AddressTable).Add(key, ah);
else print ("there");
void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)
paused = pauseStatus;
print ("Application paused : " + pauseStatus);
void Update()
if (messagesReceived.Count > 0)
//Debug.Log("received " + messagesReceived.Count + " messages");
lock (ReadThreadLock)
foreach (OscMessage om in messagesReceived)
if (AllMessageHandler != null)
ArrayList al = (ArrayList)Hashtable.Synchronized(AddressTable)[om.address];
if (al != null)
foreach (OscMessageHandler h in al)
/// <summary>
/// Make sure the PacketExchange is closed.
/// </summary>
public void Close()
//Debug.Log("Osc Cancel start");
if (ReaderRunning)
ReaderRunning = false;
if (OscPacketIO != null && OscPacketIO.IsOpen())
OscPacketIO = null;
print("Closed OSC listener");
/// <summary>
/// Read Thread. Loops waiting for packets. When a packet is received, it is
/// dispatched to any waiting All Message Handler. Also, the address is looked up and
/// any matching handler is called.
/// </summary>
private void Read()
while (ReaderRunning)
int length = OscPacketIO.ReceivePacket(buffer);
if (length > 0)
lock (ReadThreadLock)
if (paused == false)
ArrayList newMessages = OSC.PacketToOscMessages(buffer, length);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log("ThreadAbortException" + e);
/// <summary>
/// Send an individual OSC message. Internally takes the OscMessage object and
/// serializes it into a byte[] suitable for sending to the PacketIO.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oscMessage">The OSC Message to send.</param>
public void Send(OscMessage oscMessage)
byte[] packet = new byte[1000];
int length = OSC.OscMessageToPacket(oscMessage, packet, 1000);
OscPacketIO.SendPacket(packet, length);
/// <summary>
/// Sends a list of OSC Messages. Internally takes the OscMessage objects and
/// serializes them into a byte[] suitable for sending to the PacketExchange.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oms">The OSC Message to send.</param>
public void Send(ArrayList oms)
byte[] packet = new byte[1000];
int length = OSC.OscMessagesToPacket(oms, packet, 1000);
OscPacketIO.SendPacket(packet, length);
/// <summary>
/// Set the method to call back on when any message is received.
/// The method needs to have the OscMessageHandler signature - i.e. void amh( OscMessage oscM )
/// </summary>
/// <param name="amh">The method to call back on.</param>
public void SetAllMessageHandler(OscMessageHandler amh)
AllMessageHandler = amh;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an OscMessage from a string - extracts the address and determines each of the values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">The string to be turned into an OscMessage</param>
/// <returns>The OscMessage.</returns>
public static OscMessage StringToOscMessage(string message)
OscMessage oM = new OscMessage();
Console.WriteLine("Splitting " + message);
string[] ss = message.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
IEnumerator sE = ss.GetEnumerator();
if (sE.MoveNext())
oM.address = (string)sE.Current;
while (sE.MoveNext())
string s = (string)sE.Current;
// Console.WriteLine(" <" + s + ">");
if (s.StartsWith("\""))
StringBuilder quoted = new StringBuilder();
bool looped = false;
if (s.Length > 1)
looped = true;
while (sE.MoveNext())
string a = (string)sE.Current;
// Console.WriteLine(" q:<" + a + ">");
if (looped)
quoted.Append(" ");
if (a.EndsWith("\""))
quoted.Append(a.Substring(0, a.Length - 1));
if (a.Length == 0)
quoted.Append(" ");
looped = true;
if (s.Length > 0)
int i = int.Parse(s);
// Console.WriteLine(" i:" + i);
float f = float.Parse(s);
// Console.WriteLine(" f:" + f);
// Console.WriteLine(" s:" + s);
return oM;
/// <summary>
/// Takes a packet (byte[]) and turns it into a list of OscMessages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packet">The packet to be parsed.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the packet.</param>
/// <returns>An ArrayList of OscMessages.</returns>
public static ArrayList PacketToOscMessages(byte[] packet, int length)
ArrayList messages = new ArrayList();
ExtractMessages(messages, packet, 0, length);
return messages;
/// <summary>
/// Puts an array of OscMessages into a packet (byte[]).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="messages">An ArrayList of OscMessages.</param>
/// <param name="packet">An array of bytes to be populated with the OscMessages.</param>
/// <param name="length">The size of the array of bytes.</param>
/// <returns>The length of the packet</returns>
public static int OscMessagesToPacket(ArrayList messages, byte[] packet, int length)
int index = 0;
if (messages.Count == 1)
index = OscMessageToPacket((OscMessage)messages[0], packet, 0, length);
// Write the first bundle bit
index = InsertString("#bundle", packet, index, length);
// Write a null timestamp (another 8bytes)
int c = 8;
while ((c--) > 0)
// Now, put each message preceded by it's length
foreach (OscMessage oscM in messages)
int lengthIndex = index;
index += 4;
int packetStart = index;
index = OscMessageToPacket(oscM, packet, index, length);
int packetSize = index - packetStart;
packet[lengthIndex++] = (byte)((packetSize >> 24) & 0xFF);
packet[lengthIndex++] = (byte)((packetSize >> 16) & 0xFF);
packet[lengthIndex++] = (byte)((packetSize >> 8) & 0xFF);
packet[lengthIndex++] = (byte)((packetSize) & 0xFF);
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a packet (an array of bytes) from a single OscMessage.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>A convenience method, not requiring a start index.</remarks>
/// <param name="oscM">The OscMessage to be returned as a packet.</param>
/// <param name="packet">The packet to be populated with the OscMessage.</param>
/// <param name="length">The usable size of the array of bytes.</param>
/// <returns>The length of the packet</returns>
public static int OscMessageToPacket(OscMessage oscM, byte[] packet, int length)
return OscMessageToPacket(oscM, packet, 0, length);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an array of bytes from a single OscMessage. Used internally.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Can specify where in the array of bytes the OscMessage should be put.</remarks>
/// <param name="oscM">The OscMessage to be turned into an array of bytes.</param>
/// <param name="packet">The array of bytes to be populated with the OscMessage.</param>
/// <param name="start">The start index in the packet where the OscMessage should be put.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the array of bytes.</param>
/// <returns>The index into the packet after the last OscMessage.</returns>
private static int OscMessageToPacket(OscMessage oscM, byte[] packet, int start, int length)
int index = start;
index = InsertString(oscM.address, packet, index, length);
//if (oscM.values.Count > 0)
StringBuilder tag = new StringBuilder();
int tagIndex = index;
index += PadSize(2 + oscM.values.Count);
foreach (object o in oscM.values)
if (o is int)
int i = (int)o;
packet[index++] = (byte)((i >> 24) & 0xFF);
packet[index++] = (byte)((i >> 16) & 0xFF);
packet[index++] = (byte)((i >> 8) & 0xFF);
packet[index++] = (byte)((i) & 0xFF);
if (o is float)
float f = (float)o;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer);
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);
packet[index++] = buffer[3];
packet[index++] = buffer[2];
packet[index++] = buffer[1];
packet[index++] = buffer[0];
if (o is string)
index = InsertString(o.ToString(), packet, index, length);
InsertString(tag.ToString(), packet, tagIndex, length);
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Receive a raw packet of bytes and extract OscMessages from it. Used internally.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The packet may contain a OSC message or a bundle of messages.</remarks>
/// <param name="messages">An ArrayList to be populated with the OscMessages.</param>
/// <param name="packet">The packet of bytes to be parsed.</param>
/// <param name="start">The index of where to start looking in the packet.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the packet.</param>
/// <returns>The index after the last OscMessage read.</returns>
private static int ExtractMessages(ArrayList messages, byte[] packet, int start, int length)
int index = start;
switch ((char)packet[start])
case '/':
index = ExtractMessage(messages, packet, index, length);
case '#':
string bundleString = ExtractString(packet, start, length);
if (bundleString == "#bundle")
// skip the "bundle" and the timestamp
index += 16;
while (index < length)
int messageSize = (packet[index++] << 24) + (packet[index++] << 16) + (packet[index++] << 8) + packet[index++];
/*int newIndex = */
ExtractMessages(messages, packet, index, length);
index += messageSize;
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Extracts a messages from a packet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="messages">An ArrayList to be populated with the OscMessage.</param>
/// <param name="packet">The packet of bytes to be parsed.</param>
/// <param name="start">The index of where to start looking in the packet.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the packet.</param>
/// <returns>The index after the OscMessage is read.</returns>
private static int ExtractMessage(ArrayList messages, byte[] packet, int start, int length)
OscMessage oscM = new OscMessage();
oscM.address = ExtractString(packet, start, length);
int index = start + PadSize(oscM.address.Length + 1);
string typeTag = ExtractString(packet, index, length);
index += PadSize(typeTag.Length + 1);
foreach (char c in typeTag)
switch (c)
case ',':
case 's':
string s = ExtractString(packet, index, length);
index += PadSize(s.Length + 1);
case 'i':
int i = (packet[index++] << 24) + (packet[index++] << 16) + (packet[index++] << 8) + packet[index++];
case 'f':
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
buffer[3] = packet[index++];
buffer[2] = packet[index++];
buffer[1] = packet[index++];
buffer[0] = packet[index++];
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms);
float f = br.ReadSingle();
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a string from a packet. Used internally.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packet">The packet of bytes to be parsed.</param>
/// <param name="start">The index of where to start looking in the packet.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the packet.</param>
/// <returns>The string</returns>
private static string ExtractString(byte[] packet, int start, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int index = start;
while (packet[index] != 0 && index < length)
return sb.ToString();
private static string Dump(byte[] packet, int start, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int index = start;
while (index < length)
sb.Append(packet[index++] + "|");
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Inserts a string, correctly padded into a packet. Used internally.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="string">The string to be inserted</param>
/// <param name="packet">The packet of bytes to be parsed.</param>
/// <param name="start">The index of where to start looking in the packet.</param>
/// <param name="length">The length of the packet.</param>
/// <returns>An index to the next byte in the packet after the padded string.</returns>
private static int InsertString(string s, byte[] packet, int start, int length)
int index = start;
foreach (char c in s)
packet[index++] = (byte)c;
if (index == length)
return index;
packet[index++] = 0;
int pad = (s.Length + 1) % 4;
if (pad != 0)
pad = 4 - pad;
while (pad-- > 0)
packet[index++] = 0;
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Takes a length and returns what it would be if padded to the nearest 4 bytes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rawSize">Original size</param>
/// <returns>padded size</returns>
private static int PadSize(int rawSize)
int pad = rawSize % 4;
if (pad == 0)
return rawSize;
return rawSize + (4 - pad);
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